2024 Update

A lot has happened in the last 6 months.

After 4 years our neighbor Southern Ocean Lodge reopened in December. It has received rave reviews and is spectacular with small but beautiful design improvements.

Kelly Hill Caves has also fully reopened recently. Follow the link to the bookings page. After 4 years you can again walk to or from the cabins to the caves on the Hanson Bay hike.

Hanson Bay Wildlife Sanctuary was severely impacted by the wildfires of 2020 but the regeneration since is an extraordinary sight to see firsthand.

The Hanson Bay Sanctuary is a 2000 hectare, privately owned sanctuary inside the boundary of Flinders Chase National Park (FCNP), located about 110 kilometers from Kingscote.

Protecting Planting Areas

Hanson Bay has had revegetation projects in place for years, typically an area must be fenced off first, because the wallabies and possums love to eat the seedlings!

To ensure survival, the group usually parcels off a section of land, about 50 acres, and then fences it before planting the seedlings. Once it has been in place for at least seven years, the trees are generally tall enough and mature enough to survive, and it can be removed.


See the rebirth of Kangaroo Island up close on a new walk


Recovery: 2021 Update